Love and Caramels: Sounds kind of like I'm selling flesh and candy, instead of just candy, though that is, now that I'm looking at it, probably something I should bring up in therapy. Doesn't indicate the all-natural, unrefined sugary-ness of said caramels. But uses the word LOVE, which is always good to use as much as possible if you can avoid subverting it.
Maggie's Organic Free-Range Caramels: Gives a nod to the all-natural, unrefined sugary-ness of said caramels. Also possibly hints at the unanticipated, creative oddball ingredients.
Wild-Caught Caramels: Makes them sound like fish caramels but a stronger nod to the unanticipated, creative oddball ingredients.
Maggie's Caramels: Simple, easy to remember except that I don't go by Maggie. "Margaret's Caramels" just sounds too stilted, though. Maggie's is like Fran's, only cooler. But, given that Fran's is a local Seattle business, I don't think I could call mine "Maggie's" and not feel like I was infringing on Fran.
The Wolf In The Ferns: I was having a cheesy romance novel moment when I came up with this one, which has nothing to do with caramels or their ingredients but comes with a lovely picture and somehow, "Buttered Sage and Clove Cream Caramels" sound good under this name.

Wild Spice Organic Caramels: If I want to convey that a) they are organic and b) I use spices and c) they are different, this name kinda does that. Plus you get the bonus onomatopoeic effect.
Mel's Cara Mels: Just for fun.
Happy to take suggestions.
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